Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Not So Super Tuesday: The Politics of Fear Wins the Day

Last night, the Clinton campaign got much needed wins in Ohio and Texas. Senator Obama had the opportunity to issue the deathknell to the Clintonistas, but ultimately did not prevail (it is worth noting that Senator Clinton possessed 20+ point leads in both states about a month ago and won Ohio by 10 and Texas by 4). This further proves how effective negative campaigning can be. Silly pictures designed to make the feeble-minded think that Senator Obama is Muslim, attack ads that indicate that your children will die if Senator Clinton is not president (the ridiculous 3 am, red phone ad), and the continued talking point that the only thing Senator Obama brings to the table is speeches are commonplace in the Clinton campaign. My favorite utterance of the campaign thus far:
"I think that I have a lifetime of experience that I will bring to the White House. I know Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience to the White House. And Senator Obama has a speech he gave in 2002."
What is her party affiliation? At least for those of us who believe that there can be an effective candidate that does not find it necessary to employ the "kitchen sink" (if I hear this one more time I will scream) in a political campaign, Senator Obama is winning. There seems to be little the Clinton machine can do to overtake him short of rounding up a high percetage of the remaining utterly ridiculous superdelegates. Her advantage from last night, including wins in Ohio, Texas, and Rhode Island and a loss in Vermont, only nets Senator Clinton 17 delegates (not all results are in). She will lose convincingly in Wyoming on Saturday and Mississippi in Tuesday. I cannot imagine this will go on for three more months, especially considering that Senator McCain will have his day at the White House today, taking the endorsement of the man who attacked his integrity in order to win the naomination in 2000. There has been one interesting development this morning, with Senator Clinton seemingly enertaining the notion of an Obama-Clinton (or vice versa) ticket . I have a hard time seeing her taking the #2 spot, but wo knows at this point. There's still hope for hope...


Bill said...

Only one thing to say on this- is it any better having the feeble-minded vote based on rhetoric rather than fear?(NOT saying I agree with her ad- low point of her campaign) It goes back to my belief that when you vote, there should be an IQ test and you need to identify one issue that the candidate stands for. That will thin the herd.

The Old Guy said...

Fear-mongering is never acceptable and is the worst tactic poiticians use in campaigns. Don't forget the 2004 Republican Convention. Rhetoric is something that can engage those who have not been previously engaged. This is the strength of Senator Obama's candidacy. We must accept that people do not follow the process as much as we do, this does not make them feeble-minded, just unengaged. It is difficult to conceive how people know more about American Idol "candidates" than they do about presidential candidates. We shouldn't "thin the herd," we should get better information to the masses. At this point, it would be refreshing to hear rhetoric from the Clinton campaign.

Kyle Hampson said...

Obama reminds me of JFK it is scary. It is a shame the the old people of America (ages 50 and up) view him as black. I view him as a breath of fresh air and more importantly as a SAVIOR. he is the first politician in my life that I believe actually believes what he is saying! he has my vote. I lost respect for bill with his negative attacks on obama. very disappointing.

Ian O'hEnas said...

Clinton is definatley a Karl Rove Republican. He tactics have slipped to his methods more and more. FEER mongering - Pushing to have a story become twisted (NAFTA and canada), having her peeps say stupid things about race (just to get it in the people's heads again), the list goes on.

She is handing the Dems over the Reps without a fight. She is causing more harm to the party than did the past 8 years of stupidity... They just need to make her move to the side and let this move forward.

I know what's going to happen she's going to take this to court and we're not going to have a "dem" candidate before January - February of next year... No matter what happens (unless she wins) will be good enough for her. She's already started rhetoric of a 3rd class of delegate.

ARGH - she drives me up a wall...