Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hoping For Hope Can Be an Annoying Process

Two more victories this week in Wyoming and Mississippi have wiped out the Clinton victories a week ago in Not-So Super Tuesday. Pending on how one defines victory, we can call Texas a draw, as Senator Obama won 98 delegates to Senator Clinton's 95 despite the latter winning the popular vote (the same thing happened in Nevada). To date, Senator Obama has won 30 contests to Clinton's 14 (these figures give Senator Clinton Texas and Nevada and include Obama's crushing win in the Virgin Islands, Clinton's narrow victory in American Samoa, and Obama's big win amongst the all-important Democrats Abroad). The Clintonistas seem to be doing a fine job of continuing a process that started with President Clinton in South Carolina, a process of gutter politics that has no place in the primaries. Senator McCain can gallivant around the country collecting money, while the Clintons continue to employ every utterly ridiculous talking point that essentially does the presumptive Republican nominee's job for him. Geraldine Ferraro is the latest casualty of this vicious process. The former congresswomen is an historic figure, as she was tagged as Walter Mondale's running mate in the 1984 landslide loss to President Reagan. One can understand why she supports the Clinton campaign, but her utterances about Senator Obama are odd to say the least:
"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position...And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."
It is odd that she made similar remarks in 1988 about Jesse Jackson (see here). Personally, I do not think Ms. Ferraro is a racist and I think we need to stop using that label every time someone makes a comment about race. For a country that wants to exude strength around the world, we can act like sissies sometimes when someone says something we do not like. And why should we care more about what she said than the senator himself? Knowing how the game is played, Senator Clinton should have shelved Ms. Ferraro when this happened. Her comments yesterday were disingenuous at best and came a little too late.
The most annoying aspect of the campaign right now is the Florida/Michigan situation. The idiots that run those respective state's Democratic Parties are getting exacltly what they wanted when they move the primaries up in the first place, added importance. How the Clinton campaign can say with a straight face that those results, especially Michigan, are in any way legitimate is comical. Anyone that follows that line of thinking needs to remove the blinders they are wearing for the senator and think a bit more logically. The fact remains, she will not win with pledged deleagtes or the overall popular vote. Can the same people who decried the results of the 2000 election when President Bush defeated Al Gore without the popular vote honestly say that Senator Clinton should be the nominee of the Democratic Party in spite of the will of the people? One can hope not...


Bill said...

Geraldine Ferraro is not a racist, but she is an idiot. Another shining example of the people around Hillary that have ruined her campaign. Very sad...

Ian O'hEnas said...

MI and FL should not get a chance to re-do their primaries... They had all year so far to change their minds - why wait until one candidate pushes and pushes because she is loosing to do so at the last minute...

They also cannot count what was already done there - Obama (even though on the ballot in FL) did not do anything to campaign in the state...

FL just needs to be handed over to Cuba where it belongs and leave the rest of the country alone. They've been far too much of a headache and problem starter in elections over the years...

They knew going in that their peeps wouldn't be counted, now that it is down to the wire, they're back tracking and figuring out that all they needed to do was file for a new one. Who's going to pay for all this - not me - I don't want a damn cent of my money to go to this.